Rules of the auction house
General rules
The auction house provides a mediation service between the owner of the sale item and the buyer. From the moment of taking the items from the seller, the auction house guarantees their safety and, at its own expense, photographs, describes and publishes them on its website. After the end of the auction, the auction house for its service from the owner of the item takes 20% of the achieved price and issues an invoice for it.
The auction house guarantees absolute discretion to the owners of the items and buyers. It is obliged to pay the owners of the item 30 days from the date of the end of the auction, unless a different agreement has been concluded with the bidder. The auction house and the owner of the auction material conclude a contract which, in addition to the list of submitted material for the auction, must contain all the relevant information of the bidder, as well as the account number to which he will be paid the money received from the sale of the item.
The auction administrator (Dalmatian Story j.d.o.o.) does not participate in any part of the sale except by providing services of using this website and organizing auctions (mediation between buyer and seller). The administrator cannot be considered a proxy, agent or representative of any party of the seller or buyer and does not participate in any transaction between users.
For all possible disputes, the County Court in Split has jurisdiction.
Rules of participation in the auction for buyers
An auction participant is a natural or legal person who registers on the portal before the bid is issued and the start of the auction. The duration of the auction is determined in the Invitation to Auction. The bid is made by entering the offered price for the subject of the auction. The auction system continues to highlight the highest bid price until the auction ends. On the pages where the auction is held, there will always be a notice of the current highest bid and the remaining duration of the auction for each individual item. The duration of the auction is determined by the Seller and the Auction Administrator and will be indicated at the publication of each auction.
The auction is held exclusively online. Any offer made by the buyer is considered binding and cannot be revoked. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder will be notified by a message that his bid has been accepted and that the item has been won. After that, the buyer will receive a call for payment, which must be made within 7 days of the end of the auction.
Insurance, postage and possible other shipping costs go to the buyer's account, and the auctioneer is not responsible for any damage or loss of the item after handing it over to a third party or institution in charge of delivery to the buyer. After the end of the auction, it will be visible on the page that the item has been sold, as well as the sale price.
The administrator can prohibit the participation in further auctions to a buyer who violates the auction rules, by giving up the purchase after winning the auction.